Thursday, October 25, 2007

Today was good and bad.

Today was one of those days that doesn't really qualify as a good day, but it doesn't quite make it to "bad day" status. It was just a medium day.

Good things:
-My sister made me lunch today and it was muy bueno.
-I rocked out to Bon Jovi on my way to work. Always puts me in a good mood.
-I'm wearing my favorite skirt today and I'm not lying when I say I look smokin'.
-The Office is on tonight! Can't wait! Cause that show is awesome! Hooray!

Bad things:
-My little sister was out here visiting for the past week and she went home today. Sad.
-The IT guy at work came by today and confirmed my suspicions that he is an idiot. By the way, I cannot access any of my files or my email until he can send someone over tomorrow to fix whatever he did today. (Note: this is a totally different IT guy that the one previously mentioned on this blog. That guy actually knew what he was doing.)
-There was a really big deal going through today at work that I kinda dropped the ball on. Due to my slick maneuverings I was able to iron most of it out, but I was the one who caused the problem in the first place and I feel like an idiot.

So, just a medium day.


Anonymous said...

I love and miss you too! I am so sad I missed the sealing and blessings!! My friend, Lisa, her little sister got hit by a car last wednesday and I was in and out of the hospital with her. Lisa drove up from Arizona for the weekend and her parents came in on Monday. So my weekend was full and so was my house!! hence... I am so far behind in school, right now! There was no time or even a place to do any of the homework I needed to!!

Anonymous said...

I love and miss you too! I am so sad I missed the sealing and blessings!! My friend, Lisa, her little sister got hit by a car last wednesday and I was in and out of the hospital with her. Lisa drove up from Arizona for the weekend and her parents came in on Monday. So my weekend was full and so was my house!! hence... I am so far behind in school, right now! There was no time or even a place to do any of the homework I needed to!!

The Hathorns said...

I needed to take Sandra back, Kim... I missed her too much.

Thanks for being awesome, though. You rock my grandma's face off. Right off.

Alisca said...

I'm not sure if you can say the IT guy "knows what he's doing" if you can't access your files....seems like he is trying to get you fired...Maybe he should just go ahead and DIE! hee hee hee!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I contributed to the bad day list. I almost didn't make my plane though. I was pulling two bags (thanks for letting me borrow one of your's, by the way), pushing Madeline in the stroller, and carrying my carry-on and the diaper bag. It was a site too see, sorry you missed it!