Last night, while out for a jog around the neighborhood, I passed by the local elementary school and the local elementary school's playground, complete with several rows of monkey bars. It was like the Promised Land to the seven-year-old inside me (not literal).
I played on the monkey bars and that other thing (you know that thing that's like monkey bars but it's shaped like a domed cage . . . what is that called?) for a good 15 minutes. Meanwhile, a pertinent item of information was brought to mind: I'm old.
I did that thing where you swing your legs up over the monkey bars and flip upside-down and hang there. And then I couldn't get back up. Because I'm old. And there I was hanging precariously from my knees without any sort plan for getting down. And also it was cold. Eventually, I got down (oh, believe me--it was GRACEFUL) and went home.
This morning upon waking I was reminded again: I am old. My back and shoulders are sore and my hands are rubbed raw from the cold metal bars.
Why? Why do I do things like this?
Oh, by the way, Kim-antics are not over because my roommate has an amazing video of me high-jumping on the bed and it will be posted soon. Get excited.
I just watched a documentary about people who adopt monkeys as children. Very interesting. Interesting in the weird sort of way.
oh Miss Kimberly! I love and miss you so much! I need that young child in me to come. I think I feel odd all the time, being an adult STINKS! I need you to keep me young! :) cant wait to see the video.
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