Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Shut up. I know you wonder about it too. How can you not wonder what it tastes like? I mean, come on.

I was thinking aloud to my roommate the other day, “Do people from different cultures taste differently? Like because we eat different foods and have different lifestyles and, you know, we’re different . . . so . . . what do you think?”

Roommate, after a pause, “Probably,” then excitedly, “You know what we should do? We should have people from all over the world line up and then we’ll go down the row and lick them! On the arm! Cause we don’t want to bite them; that’d be gross. Then we’ll know for sure.”

“Oh my gosh, that is such a good idea.”

“Or, or, or,” she practically shouts, “We could ask a vampire!”

“Sure,” our friend Jeff pipes in, sardonically, “Because those are real.”

I look at him for a minute. “Yeah, except I don’t actually believe we were talking to you,” I mutter.

So, Internet, what do you think? Do people taste differently? Am I the only person who ever wonders this? Isn’t Jeff kind of a jerk?

(Just kidding, Jeff. You are actually not a jerk.)

Nope. No jerks here.


Kristina P. said...

I'm sort of scared right now.

Uzi said...

Oh, I know exactly who I would NOT want to lick, red dot indians! They have curry coming out of their pores!

Anonymous said...

People with different diets certainly do smell different. Koreans and Japanese avoid sitting next to Americans because of how they smell (though that only lasts for the first few weeks until the body adjusts to the local diet). This is even mentioned in Spirited Away. Italians usually don't wear deodorant because everyone eats so much garlic that it infuses their systems, comes out all their pores, and is still strong enough to kill all the BO-causing bacteria, so everyone's armpits just smell like Italian restaurants.

See also: