Thursday, June 11, 2009

I could give you the context of this, but I think that would just make it worse.

From conversation with bro-in-law:

Shipping body parts is risky business, but it is doable.


Anonymous said...

How many times have I said that same thing to someone?:) I hope you have a quote wall, that would be a great addition.

Have you ever had a conversation where you are like "wow, if anyone ever heard this out of context, I would look so crazy"

Amy Brinton said...

I'd like to clarify that the brother-in-law in question is married to our younger sister, Sandra. Yet strangely enough, my husband regularly deals with transporting body parts (for surgery, people).

P.S. And speaking of body parts...
When we were in Estonia last week, a guy on our tour asked a saleslady if she knew of anything interesting to look at in the city. "Oh yes," she replied. Then she leads the guy down to her cellar and shows him HUMAN SKULLS. Yes, in the cellar of her shop.

Kim said...

It would hardly be a overseas trip without a creepy and random display of human bones.

Surprised you didn't know that, Ames.