Monday, April 5, 2010

I have just met you and I love you.

So I seem to have a problem making new friends. Well, not so much making new friends. More like I have issues making new friends without them thinking I'm completely mentally imbalanced. I get a little, um, eager. I can go from 'rational human' to 'puppy who needs loving home' in the time it takes most people to say, "Nice to meet you."

I'm like: "Hi! Wow! Look at that! You're wearing green! I LOVE green! Hey, I like you. Let's be friends! Come! Come with me! Come with me to my house! Oh, look at this stuff. All this stuff I have. Oh, ho! Look at this picture. Ha! Look at this picture from high school! Ha ha! Look, look at my hair! Ha! Oh, hey, I made you this craft-project. Yes, it is for you! It is for you because I like you. What? What's that you say? You like food? I CAN MAKE FOOD! I CAN MAKE YOU ENCHILADAS! Yes, I can make them because I like you and we are friends forever and ever."

I think it's a little off-putting.


Karen said...

I think it would only be off-putting if you said all of that in one breath (like I imagined it in my head).

If you took a breath in between, I would take Kim/Dug the Dog ANY DAY!!!!

Kristina P. said...

You are so easy.

Alanna said...

I think I do the same thing, if it makes you feel any better.

Also, as far as making you feel any better goes, I'm always excited when Google Reader shows me that you've updated your blog. Unlike certain people who I won't name, I can't get enough of your blog. So if that's any indication of your fun personality...? (Or maybe that's just creepy since you've never met me.)

Mrs. B. Roth said...

I also get way excited when you update your blog ...

Kim said...

Ha! I love that you're worried I might think you're creepy! Rest assured, as long as people pepper me with attention, I will never think it's creepy.

Kristen said...

Off-putting...or endearing. One of the two. Incidentally, my secret word verification is "Sucks." How often do you actually get a real word, and how cool that it is "sucks!"